Kate del Castillo y Yalitza Aparicio Abrazan a inmigrantes

Escrito por el septiembre 3, 2019

Kate del Castillo y Yalitza Aparicio alzaron la voz vía Instagram a favor de los inmigrantes que son perseguidos y detenidos en Estados Unidos, y han pedido a sus seguidores se pongan en sus zapatos y se unan a un reto para tratar de brindar un poco de alivio a las familias que ha sido separadas y atraviesan por duros momentos.

«¡Abracémonos!», comenzaron diciendo las actrices en sus respectivos posts, junto a una foto en la que ellas aparecen precisamente unidas en un abrazo.


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Gracias @yalitzaapariciomtz Abracémonos!!! Currently, Immigrant detainees, including young children, are being deprived of the most basic human needs: Running water, clean clothes, adequate food, healthy sleep, and beds. Experts have called the conditions at these detention centers, where children are separated from their parents, "worse than jail" and compared them to "torture facilities.” These young ones are not allowed to receive hugs or any physical contact from caretakers — or even one another. This has the potential to create severe trauma. We all use hugs as a way to comfort, to encourage, to create warmth, and to heal. Join the #OneVidaAtaTime HUG CHALLENGE to foster empathy and raise funds for www.immigrantfamiliestogether.com an organization which offers comprehensive support to asylum seekers once they are released: Housing, clothing, and a path to reunite with their loved ones. #hugitout #immigrantfamiliestogether #onevidaatatime

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